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Zamonia 7.7 RetroPVP zamonia77.com
Uptime: 87.7%
Port: 7171
Players: 30 / 400
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 31554 players online on 452 servers
Last Update: February 15, 2025, 7:54 pm

We have 540 servers in our database
Current Time: February 15, 2025, 7:54 pm


Number of servers: 540
Number of online servers: 452
Number of banned servers: 426
Registered members: 423257
Most players ever online was 69442 on
Sunday, 25 July 2010, 23:12

Number of servers by country

Brazil 273 50.56%
Poland 85 15.74%
United States 72 13.33%
Mexico 33 6.11%
Sweden 26 4.81%
Chile 9 1.67%
Germany 9 1.67%
Spain 7 1.3%
Canada 6 1.11%
Netherlands 4 0.74%
Other 16 2.96%

Number of online servers by country

Brazil 218 48.23%
Poland 77 17.04%
United States 68 15.04%
Mexico 25 5.53%
Sweden 22 4.87%
Germany 8 1.77%
Chile 6 1.33%
Canada 5 1.11%
Spain 5 1.11%
Netherlands 4 0.88%
Other 14 3.09%

10 oldest servers

+ Name Added Uptime
Goobers 28.06.2006 11:42 97.79%
Apo 7.6 06.05.2009 10:33 99.23%
NOX RLMAP 8.6 12.07.2012 22:00 99.85%
Madnessalive OT 17.03.2013 22:39 98.93%
Deathzot Era IV 30.05.2014 20:48 98.85%
FULL GLOBAL WAR 18.02.2015 14:26 99.36%
8Y ON CANOB HIGHEXP 27.03.2016 14:15 99.53%
Rookgaard - Fixera 05.10.2016 08:39 99.46%
BAIAK 8 ANOS ONLINE 12.10.2016 19:03 99.03%
EVO PVP START NOW 18.11.2016 15:28 99.77%

The most players on servers

+ Name Date Players
SUMMER UPDATE 2024 12.04.2024 02:51 4576
Eternum 13.02.2024 20:47 4457
SUMMER UPDATE 2024 31.05.2024 00:58 3735
RL 10 NEWCOMER BOOST 03.04.2021 16:41 3547
SUMMER UPDATE 2024 31.01.2025 01:07 3347
NEW NON-PVP RUBINOT 07.02.2025 01:29 3316
Arcanum 08.08.2023 21:12 3079
10 ANOS ONLINE 11.04.2020 21:11 2994
NEW SKILL WHEEL 23.06.2023 02:41 2955
The Best Global 8.60 14.01.2021 00:24 2863

Most popular OTS distibutions

Distribution Servers Players
Canary 3.0 102 1741
OTX Server 2 21 463
The Forgotten Server 1.3 12 808
The Forgotten Server 0.3.6 12 203
The Forgotten Server 0.4 11 55
RubinOT MMOServers 1.0 10 8261
The Forgotten Server 1.5 (Nekiro's 8.60 downgrade) 10 237
The Forgotten Server 0.4_SVN 9 138
Canary 2.6.1 8 147
The Forgotten Server 8.0 1.2 6 451

Last update: February 15, 2025, 7:54 pm